How to Spot Fake Reviews on Google Reviews

June 20, 2023

Online reviews have become an integral part of consumers' decision-making process. Whether we are looking for a restaurant, hotel, or even a local service provider, we often rely on the opinions and experiences shared by others. It is one of the important factors in the ranking on Google Maps. However, with the rise in the importance of online reviews, the issue of fake reviews has also become a significant concern. In this article, we will explore how to spot fake reviews in Google My Business, discuss their importance, and understand their impact on competition.

Please do note though, this is not a fool proof way, neither are we telling it is a fake review if it satisfies these criteria. This is just a guide that provides a direction you can follow. Use your own discretion to come to a conclusion.

How to Spot Fake Reviews on Google My Business

While identifying fake reviews can be challenging, there are several strategies you can employ.

Analyzing pattern: Analyzing review patterns and ratings can provide insights into the authenticity of reviews. Look for suspiciously consistent patterns, such as a high number of positive reviews with similar wording or a sudden spike in ratings. Genuine reviews tend to vary in language and sentiment, reflecting the diverse experiences of customers.

Complexity of words: When evaluating the authenticity of a review, consider the complexity of the language used. Fake reviews often contain simpler words and shorter sentences. This happens because fabricating details requires more cognitive effort, leading reviewers to opt for less complex vocabulary. Genuine reviews, on the other hand, tend to have varied language reflecting real experiences and emotions. By paying attention to this aspect, you can better identify deceptive feedback and ensure that your business maintains a credible online presence.

Excessive use of exclamation points: It can be a red flag for fake reviews a deceptive reviewers often believe that adding multiple exclamation marks will emphasize their fabricated emotions, making their feedback appear more genuine. However, authentic negative reviews typically focus on specific issues rather than exaggerated expressions of dissatisfaction. By scrutinizing the punctuation used in reviews, you can differentiate between legitimate customer feedback and those trying to mislead potential customers with over-the-top reactions.

Examining profile: Examining reviewer profiles and activity can also help in spotting fake reviews. Take a closer look at the reviewer's history and activity on the platform. If a reviewer has only posted a handful of reviews or has a large number of reviews posted within a short timeframe, it could be a sign of fake activity. Genuine reviewers often have a more established presence with a history of reviewing various businesses.

Comparing reviews: Comparing reviews across different platforms can also provide valuable insights. If a business has drastically different ratings or reviews on other platforms compared to its Google My Business page, it might indicate suspicious activity. Inconsistencies between platforms should be carefully evaluated to determine the authenticity of the reviews.

Reviews without comments: Reviews that only include star ratings without any accompanying comments should raise suspicion. While some may be genuine, they offer little value in terms of constructive feedback or detailed experiences. Fake reviewers often leave such ratings as they require less effort and are harder to contest. Flagging these types of reviews for further investigation ensures that your business's online reputation is based on comprehensive and meaningful customer interactions rather than potentially fraudulent ratings.

Various tools: Various online tools and services are available to assist in the identification of fake reviews. These tools analyze review patterns, ratings, and reviewer profiles, providing an objective assessment of the likelihood of fake activity. While they can't provide definitive proof, they serve as useful indicators to guide your judgment.

Analyzing Review Pattern to Find Possible Fake Reviews

A valuable tool for analyzing review statistics and detecting fake reviews is the GMB Everywhere Chrome extension. This lightweight tool offers a range of features, including GMB Audit, competitive analysis, and post-audit capabilities. In addition, it provides valuable insights into review trends that can serve as indicators for identifying potential fake reviews within your business.

Step #1: Just head to and click the Install Chrome Extension button.

The screenshot shows the homepage from where you can download the extension from.

You will be redirected to GMB Everywhere Chrome Page and click Add To Chrome button.

This screenshot shows the Chrome Extension page where you can download the extension from.

Step #2: After successful installation, go to to search for the business. This is the business that you want to search to see if it has fake reviews.

To begin, locate the business on the left-hand side of the page. Once you've found it, click on the Review Audit button within the search results pane.

This screenshot shows how you can click on Review Audit to get the result.

A new tab will open analyzing the Google Reviews. Stay with this tab until the processing is complete.

Step #3: After the processing is finished, you will be directed to the GMB Everywhere Review Audit page. It's important to keep in mind that GMB Everywhere analyzes the most recent 600 reviews for the business.

The screenshot shows the Review Audit option.

At the top section of the page, you will find comprehensive review audit information regarding the business, which includes:

  • Total Number of Reviews
  • Number of Reviews with Photos
  • Google Rating
  • Number of Reviews Provided by Local Guides
  • Average Google Review Rating
  • Average Number of Reviews Given by People Who Reviewed This Business

In the middle of the page, you'll come across the Review Audit Graph, which visually represents the trend of reviews and ratings for the business. For better focus and customization, you can click on the legend at the top of the graph. This graph provides insights into the business's review solicitation practices, allowing you to observe the trend line and assess their level of aggressiveness in seeking reviews.

The screenshot shows the graph which we show which shows the pattern of the reviews. If the average review per month is always 5, then there is a problem.

Finally, the bottom section presents the Review Keyword Analysis. Here, you will discover the most frequently used words extracted from the reviews of the business. This analysis provides you with an overview of how people perceive the business based on their choice of words.

This show the keyword density. If it is fake reviews, then there will be a high concentration of similar words.


Q1: Are all positive reviews considered fake?

A: No, not all positive reviews are fake. However, it's essential to analyze the language, patterns, and authenticity of reviews to differentiate genuine feedback from fake ones.

Q2: Can fake negative reviews be detrimental to a business?

A: Yes, fake negative reviews can harm a business's reputation and influence potential customers' decisions. It's important to address such reviews professionally and report them to the platform. Fake review can sometimes be negative too.

Q3: Is it possible for competitors to leave fake reviews?

A: Yes, competitors may resort to leaving fake reviews to tarnish the reputation of other businesses. It's crucial to remain vigilant and take appropriate actions to address such fraudulent activity.

Q4: Can online tools accurately identify fake reviews?

A: While online tools can provide insights and indicators of fake reviews, they cannot provide definitive proof. Human judgment and careful evaluation are still necessary to make informed decisions. It is not an exact science.

Q5: What are the long-term effects of fake reviews on a business?

A: The long-term effects of fake reviews can include a loss of trust and credibility, decreased customer confidence, and difficulties in attracting new customers. Building and maintaining an authentic online reputation is vital for sustained success.


The prevalence of fake reviews in Google My Business poses challenges for businesses and consumers alike. Detecting and addressing fake reviews is crucial for maintaining a fair and reliable review ecosystem. By being vigilant and employing strategies to spot fake reviews, businesses can protect their reputation and ensure fair competition. Encouraging genuine customer feedback and maintaining trust and integrity are key factors in building a positive online presence.

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Click the link below to get started with GMB Everywhere.

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