GMB Description Creator

Create description for your Google Business Profile (GBP).

GMB Description Creator

How it works


Download the extension.

Install the extension.

Install Chrome Extension

Go to Google Maps

Your Google Maps will be automatically updated with our categories, Basic Audit, Review Audit, Post Audit and Teleport button.


Click audit button

Click on one of the audit or teleport buttons to do an audit of a business profile.


These are our features

Categories - Find primary and secondary category of a business.
Category Finder Tool - Use our AI tool to find the best Categories and Services for your business.
Review audit - Analyze reviews of a business.
Basic Audit - Do SEO and other basic audits for a business.
Post Audit - Analyze GMB post strategy of a business.
Teleport - Find rank of a business at a particular location.

Our users love us!

We have 5/5 rating on the Chrome Store.

Install Chrome Extension

Love Love Love this tool. I'm a Power User and it's worth every penny. been testing the new "Teleport" feature (shows in google maps) it's Awesome and I made a sale today! He was showing on spot 17 . I sold him on Local SEO Services and GMB Services.  Thank for all your hard work! - Happy Customer~

Matthew Johnson
Chrome Store Review

This is a very useful local SEO research tool. It is well worth the price that they charge for it and I use it virtually every single day in my work. Great work!

Tim Colling
Chrome Store Review

A well designed and functional tool for quickly determining and analyzing important GMB data. And, the support team is quick to respond and is very knowledgeable.

Joseph Conroy
Chrome Store Review

I absolutely love this tool.  So much valuable information at a glance.  Saving me so much time and enabling me to gain a competitive edge on my competitors.  Keep up the great work guys!

Daniel Calleja
Chrome Store Review

Frequently asked questions

Some commonly asked questions.

How does it work?
Do you have a getting started tutorial?
How can I see my account details?
How can I cancel my account subscription?
How to contact customer support?
Do we have a referral program?
I have some ideas and feedback about the product. How can we get involved?

Our guides

Find the Q&A Section of a GMB?
September 28, 2023
How to Check if a GMB is Claimed?
September 28, 2023
Find Services assigned to a GMB?
September 28, 2023
Find Products of a GMB?
September 28, 2023
Find Q&A Link of any GMB?
September 28, 2023
Find Secondary Categories of a GMB?
September 28, 2023
ChatGPT for Google Business Profile
September 28, 2023

Contact us

Click on the chat button on the bottom right of this page to directly chat with customer service.

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